Android-Command line tools

 Android-Command line tools

1.mkdir Hello Hello\

3.mkdir src\dom\domain

4.vim src\dom\domain\

vim > 

 package dom.domain;
 import android.widget.TextView;

 public final class SayingHello extends
     public void onCreate( final android.os.Bundle activityState )
         super.onCreate( activityState );
         final TextView textV = new TextView( SayingHello.this );
         textV.setText( "Hello world" );
         setContentView( textV );
vim > :wq 

5.vim AndroidManifest.xml

vim > 

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<manifest xmlns:a=''
  package='dom.domain' a:versionCode='0' a:versionName='0'>
     <application a:label='Saying hello'>
         <activity a:name='dom.domain.SayingHello'>
                 <category a:name='android.intent.category.LAUNCHER'/>
                 <action a:name='android.intent.action.MAIN'/>
vim > :wq  

6.mkdir res

7.aapt  Parses, indexes, and compiles Android resources into a binary format that is optimized for the Android platform, and packages the compiled resources into a single output.

aapt package -f -I C:\ware\Android\sdk\platforms\android-27\android.jar -J src -m -M AndroidManifest.xml -S res -v

SDK Folder: C:\ware\Android\sdk\ 

8.javac -bootclasspath C:\ware\Android\sdk\platforms\android-27\android.jar -classpath src -source 1.7 -target 1.7 src\dom\domain\*.java

src\dom\domain\SayingHello.class dex 
 9.1 jill  .class  to .jayce

java -jar C:\ware\Android\sdk\build-tools\27.0.3\jill.jar --output classes.jayce src


9.2 jack   .jayce to .dex  

java -jar C:\ware\Android\sdk\build-tools\27.0.3\jack.jar --import classes.jayce --output-dex .


10.create app.apkPart

aapt package -f -F app.apkPart -I C:\ware\Android\sdk\platforms\android-27\android.jar -M AndroidManifest.xml -S res -v


11.  ApkBuilder   dex   apk  

java -classpath C:\ware\Android\sdk\tools\lib\sdklib-26.0.0-dev.jar app.apkUnalign -f classes.dex -u -z app.apkPart


12.  zipalign    Optimizes APK files 

zipalign -f -v 4 app.apkUnalign app_aligned.apk


13.  debug   apk  

jarsigner -verbose -keystore "C:\Users\Kevin Wang\.android\debug.keystore" -signedjar app.apk app_aligned.apk androiddebugkey
  • 1

C:\Users\Kevin Wang  is the folder of your user address which is in %USERPROFILE%. Here is the security key library of Android debug.
Next, you will be asked to enter the password, the default password is android
After this step is completed, the app.apk file will be generated in the current directory.
This apk file is the final apk, which can be installed and run directly on the real machine, or installed and run using the Android emulator.

13.Start up Android Emulator

First check the existing Android emulator: 

emulator -avd -list-avds
start up Android Emulator
emulator -avd Pixel_2_API_28

Among them, Pixel_2_API_28 is the name of the simulator, just select one of the existing simulators listed in the previous step(emulator -avd Pixel_2_API_28).

14.Install apk

open new window of console, then to install apk

adb install app.apk
  • 1

15.Run app

adb shell am start -n dom.domain/.SayingHello




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