learning angular2

1: Clear Environment

 >node –v
C:\Users\jchen>del %USERPROFILE%\.npmrc
Could Not Find C:\Users\jchen\.npmrc
 >rmdir /s/q "c:\Program Files\nodejs"
c:\Program Files\nodejs\node_perfctr_provider.man - Access is denied.
c:\Program Files\nodejs\npm - Access is denied.
c:\Program Files\nodejs\npm.cmd - Access is denied.
Access is denied.
> rmdir /s/q "%APPDATA%\npm"
~1\CORDOV~1\NODE_M~1\BROWSE~1\NODE_M~1\BROWSE~3\NODE_M~1\COMBIN~1\NODE_M~1\INLINE~1\NODE_M~1 - The directory is not empty.
>rmdir /s/q "%APPDATA%\npm-cache"

Go Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features uninstall nodejs
Manually remove "%APPDATA%\npm" and "%APPDATA%\npm-cache"

2. Install Nodejs

Download the file node-v7.7.2-x64.msi from https://nodejs.org/en/download/current/

3. npm config

Ref: https://my.oschina.net/mumu/blog/834254
npm config list
npm config ls -l
npm config set proxy=''
npm config delete proxy

4. Install angular-cli

Summary: > npm install -g @angular/cli
>npm install -g angular-cli   (> npm install -g @angular/cli 用这个命令比较好)

>dir %AppData%\npm\

>ng --version
@angular/cli: 1.0.0-rc.1
node: 7.7.2
os: win32 x64

>ng help
Cannot find module 'rxjs/symbol/observable'
Error: Cannot find module 'rxjs/symbol/observable'
>npm uninstall @angular/cli –g
>npm cache clean

>npm uninstall -g angular-cli @angular/cli
Clean up
    remove node_modules from your project
    remove any angular-cli and @angular/cli references from package.json if it's there
    Uninstall angular-cli and @angular/cli globally: npm uninstall -g angular-cli @angular/cli

    Install @angular/cli globally: npm install -g @angular/cli
    Install @angular/cli in your project: npm install --save-dev @angular/cli

> npm install -g @angular/cli

>npm install –g @angular/cli

>npm install –g typescript
g into C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\typescript\bin\tsserver
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\npm\  -- typescript@2.2.2npng

5. create new project

>ng new my-project1

Installed packages for tooling via npm.
Project 'my-project1' successfully created.

>ng new --routing --prefix dboard dashboardAC

6.start to run the project

>cd my-project1
>npm install   (I did not run this command npm. When running ng new, it shows “Installed packages for tooling via npm.”)
>ng serve
  For product
  >ng  serve --prod –aot //Ahead-of-time and Tree Shaking compilation

7. For test cases for testing

>ng test

8. Build the project

ng build --prod --aot

ng build --deploy-url /hotest/a1/ --base-href /hotest/a1/ -aot -prod
产品发布到目录 \dist


. ng
npm install -g gulp yo webpack rimraf
npm install -g typescript typings angular-cli
npm install -g eslint tslint

*ngIf  and [hidden]
[attr.colspan] and [anywords]




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