WebLogic starting exception
1. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space WebLogic JVM loading order is startWebLogic.sh --calls-->setSOADomainEnv.sh--calls-->setDomainEnv.sh-- calls-->commEnv.sh, but if not startWebLogic.sh, using command in console or wlst, must set StartScriptEnabled=true in the file nodemanager.properties. The following is operations: $cd $MW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin $./setNMProps.sh $ export JAVA_OPTIONS="-DDomainRegistrationEnabl ed=true" $./wlst.sh wls:/offline>startNodeManager() 2. java.rmi.UnknownHostException: Could not discover URL for server 'your server name' a)check DNS in /etc/hosts, take sure for all nodes. b)check instance listener address: Environment - Servers - - General - Listen Address c)check clusters listener address:Environment - Clusters - - General - Cluster Address d)check message notice model (Unicast or Multicast):Environment -> Clusters -> ->Messaging -> Messaging Mode 3. Caused by: ora...