distributed transaction solution - Seata
Distributed Transaction Solution GTS(Global Transaction Service) ACID XA(eXtended Architecture) X/Open. TM(Transaction Manager), RM(Resource Manager), and Application Manager. XA->2PC(Prepare, commit, rollback)->TCC(Try,Confirm,Canccel)->3PC(CanCommit,PreCommit,DoCommit) Saga , 1987 year, by Hector and Kenneth for Long lived transaction. Princeton University Seata TXC->GTS->Seata->Seata GA TC(Transaction Coordinator),TM(Transaction Manager),RM(Resource Manager). http://seata.io/en-us/docs/overview/what-is-seata.html XID - Transaction ID TC - Transaction Coordinator Maintain status of global and branch transactions, drive the global commit or rollback. TM - Transaction Manager Define the scope of global transaction: begin a global transaction, commit or rollback a global transaction. RM - Resource Manager Manage resources that branch transactions working on, talk to TC for registering branch transactions and reporting status of branch transactions, and driv...