
目前显示的是 十一月, 2017的博文

Metacharacter: Meaning of UNIX

Recognizing metacharacters ~  Home directory `  Command substitution(old style) # Command $ Variable expression & Background job * String wildcard (  Start of subshell )  End of subshell \  Escape next character |  Pipe [  Start of wildcard set ]  End of wildcard set { Start of command block } End of command block ;  Pipeline command separator '  Quote mark (strong) " Quote mark (weak) < Redirect input > Redirect output /  Pathname address separator ?  Single-character wildcard !  Pipeline logical  NOT ---------------------------------------- ps $$ bash --version whoami type clear type exit echo  $SHELL echo $BASH_VERSION pwd ls ------------------- Dealing wildcard Wildcard   Matches ?                Any single character                 ls...

jquery ajax 'Authorization' 'Bearer' 'Basic'

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5507234/use-basic-authentication-with-jquery-and-ajax Method 1: var uName = "abc" ; var passwrd = "pqr" ; $ . ajax ({ type : '{GET/POST}' , url : '{urlpath}' , headers : { "Authorization" : "Basic " + btoa ( uName + ":" + passwrd ); }, success : function ( data ) { //Success block }, error : function ( xhr , ajaxOptions , throwError ){ //Error block }, }); Method 2: var uName = "abc" ; var passwrd = "pqr" ; $ . ajax ({ type : '{GET/POST}' , url : '{urlpath}' , beforeSend : function ( xhr ){ xhr . setRequestHeader ( 'Authorization' , "Basic " + btoa ( uName + ":" + passwrd )); }, success : function ( data ) { //Success block }, error : function ( xhr , ajaxOptions , throwEr...

SprintBoot start

#The 3 ways to run Spring Boot application 1. In IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate @SpringBootApplication pubic class TestApplication{...} @RestController public class otherController{  @RequestMapping(value="/hello", method=RequestMethod.Get)  public String say(){return "test";} run 'TestApplicaton' 2. mvn spring-boot.run cd projectfolder mvn spring-boot.run 3. java -jar mvn install cd target  > java -jar  projectname-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar #Springboot2.4.4 and Log4j2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##1.1 For console color text, set disableAnsi="false" ; ##1.2  log4j conflict, using <exclusions>; ##1.3 no showing in console,  must be run after SpringApplication.run(MailApplication.class, args); <Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">             <PatternLayout disableAnsi="false"          ...