
目前显示的是 三月, 2016的博文

RowSet & Oracle(ojdbc6.jar)

The below result of a test today with ojdbc6.jar in oracle database.      Connection con =null;       Statement stmt=null;       Connection  con =              DriverManager.getConnection( “jdbc:oracle:thin:@”, User,PW);             stmt = con.createStatement();             ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from table1");           // 1 CachedRowSet is ok.           CachedRowSet rowSet;           rowSet=new CachedRowSetImpl();           rowSet.populate(rs); // It work            //2 Jd...

log how to increase sqlplus column output length?

Met this issue again today, log here. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7384789/how-to-increase-sqlplus-column-output-length Use cmd on Windows 7 Professional SQL> set long 50000;    //it's OK.

Review FreeMarker

//1. Create a configuration instance          Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_23);          cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File(" templates ")); //templates is the parallel of src          cfg.setDefaultEncoding("UTF-8");          cfg.setTemplateExceptionHandler(TemplateExceptionHandler.RETHROW_HANDLER); //2. Get the template          Template t1 = cfg.getTemplate(" a.ftl ");        //3.Create a data-model          Map<String, Object> rt = new HashMap<String, Object>();          rt.put("user","Jetma");          rt.put("random", Math.random()*100);               ...