
目前显示的是 十月, 2013的博文

private variables in javascript

 (function(window){      //private variables     var name = "test";         var pieAGSI = function(){};     // get variable     pieAGSI.prototype.getName = function(){         return name;     };         // update variable     pieAGSI.prototype.setName = function(str){         name = str;     };         window.pieAGSI = pieAGSI;     })(window); // test var test = new pieAGSI(); document.write('<br>test.getName(): ' + test.getName()+"<br>");

Oracle 12c jdbc connect string for PDB

Ref :  h t t p s:// forums.oracle.com/thread/2566804 1 . link string in code # <!--指定连接数据库用的驱动 ojdbc6.jar--> database.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver #// oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver is deprecated and replaced with oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver. #h t tp://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/905/jdbc-javadoc/oracle/jdbc/OracleDriver.html # <!--指定连接数据库的路径--> # for oracle 11g database.url= jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl # for oracle 12c1 database.url= jdbc:oracle:thin:@// or database.url= jdbc:oracle:thin:@ #<!--指定连接数据库的用户名--> database.username=test # <!--指定连接数据库的密码--> database.password=test <!--指定数据库使用的SQL--> hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect #org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect #Oracle10gDialect # <!--当show_sql属性为true时表示在程序运行时在控制台输出SQL语句,默认为false--> hibernate.show_sql=false oracle.maxConnection=100 oracle.expireTime=2400000 oracle.updateTim...

How to change default error page(status 404 - not found) in GlassFish 3.0.1- Community Edition?

Ref: h t t p: / / s tackoverflow . com/questions/3751566/how-to-change-default-error-pagestatus-404-not-found-in-glassfish-3-0-1-comm 1.Create a page 404.htm 2. and save it as 404.htm and put it to your $ { com . sun . aas . instanceRoot }/ docroot / Ex: / usr / share / glassfish3 / glassfish / domains / domain1 / docroot / 3 .Enter the following URL in the Browser. https : //ip_address:4848/web/configuration/virtualServerEdit.jsf?name=server&configName=server-config 4 .Add a new Property for "server" in "Virtual Servers". Name : send - error_1 Value : code = 404 path = $ { com . sun . aas . instanceRoot }/ docroot / 404.htm reason = Resource_not_found Description : 404 Error Page