
目前显示的是 九月, 2013的博文

Field Properties by Use Case in Solr 4.5

From : h t t p s: //cwiki. apach e. org/confluence/display /solr/ Field+Properties+by+Use+Case Added by Cassandra Targett, last edited by Cassandra Targett on Jun 03, 2013 Here is a summary of common use cases, and the attributes the fields or field types should have to support the case. An entry of true or false in the table indicates that the option must be set to the given value for the use case to function correctly. If no entry is provided, the setting of that attribute has no impact on the case. Use Case indexed stored multiValued omitNorms termVectors termPositions search within field true retrieve contents true use as unique key true false sort on field true false true 1 use field boosts 5 false document boosts affect searches within field false highlighting true 4 true 2 true 3 faceting...

Get an object of flash or embed in browser(IE and Firefox/Opera/Safari/Chrome)

1. Place a flash into the html page. <object id="mySwf" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">     <embed src="" name="mySwf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/> </object> 2. By the following function get an object in IE, get an embed in Firefox/Opera/Safari/Chrome. function thisMovie(svgName) {    if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) { return window[svgName]; }    else { return document[svgName]; } }  or     function getFlashObj(name){           return document[name] || window[name];      } ref: http:// w 3help. org/zh-cn/causes/RX8012 http:// s nandy. iteye.com/blog/684672

Difference between SendRedirect() and Forward() in JSP Servle

From:htt p:// javarevisited.blogspot.ca /2011/09/sendredirect-forward-jsp-servlet.html Difference between SendRedirect and forward is one of classical interview questions asked during java web developer interview. This is not just applicable for servlet but also for JSP in which we can use forward action or call sendRedirect() method from scriptlet. Before examining difference on forward and SendRedirect let’s see what send Redirect method and forward method does. SendRedirect ():   This method is declared in HttpServletResponse Interface . Signature : void sendRedirect(String url) This method is used to redirect client request to some other location for further processing , the new location is available on different server or different context.our web container handle this and transfer the request using  browser ,and this request is visible in browser as a new request . Some time this is also called as client side redirect. Forward(): Thi...