
目前显示的是 六月, 2013的博文

How to Install and Deinstall DBconsole

from:oracle-wiki.net/startdocshowtoinstalldeinstalldbconsole Introduction This guide explains how to install and deinstall DBconsole on a 10g database for both RAC and Non-RAC environments. Useful Information Metalink articles 278100.1 and 395162.1 Read the Know Issues section below. Step-By-Step - DBconsole RAC Uninstall WARNING: The uninstall process will Quiesce the database. Do not run on a live system 1. Ensure you have the following information before continuing. Database unique name Listener port number Password for SYS user Password for SYSMAN user 2. Log onto any node in the cluster. 3. Set-up your environment . oraenv ORACLE_SID = [SID] ? enter sid 4. Deconfigure dbconsole and drop the repository emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop -cluster Step-By-Step - DBConsole RAC Install 1. Ensure you have the following information before continuing. The Database unique name The Listener port number The Cluster name The Password for SY...

A Beginner's Guide to Using the Application Cache

A Beginner's Guide to Using the Application Cache http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/appcache/beginner/?redirect_from_locale=eg   A manifest file needs to be served with the correct MIME-type, which is "text/cache-manifest". Must be configured on the web server. In glassfish3\glassfish\domains\domain1\config\ default-web.xml   <mime-mapping>     <extension>manifest</extension>     <mime-type>text/cache-manifest</mime-type>   </mime-mapping> 

oracle listener & security

1. Set Password for listenner  a basic security requirement is to protect oracle listener with a password. Lsnrctl LSNRCTL>set current_listener <listener name> LSNRCTL>change_password old password: New password: Reenter new password: LSNRCTL>set password Password: LSNRCTL>save_config After implemented lsnrctl-save_config, you can check what was generated by looking in the listener.ora file. This is what was generated from the above commands:     PASSWORDS_LISTENER = N1599554r6236532B - - >  Remove the listener password do the following:     LSNRCTL> set password     Password:     The command completed successfully     LSNRCTL> stop     LSNRCTL>  2. Set monitor log     LSNRCTL>set current_listener <listener name>     LSNRCTL>set password Password:<input password>     LSNRCT...

Oracle 监听器listener

From :chenjunlu.com/2011/04/discussion-about-oracle-listener/ Oracle 监听器 Listener 是一个重要的数据库服务器组件,在整个 Oracle 体系结构中,扮演着重要的作用。它负责管理 Oracle 数据库和客户端之间的通讯,它在一个特定的网卡端口(默认是TCP 1521端口)上监听连接请求,并将连接转发给数据库,下面的部分,会从几个方面对监听器进行简单介绍。 1.监听器的功能 从当前的 Oracle 版本看,Listener 主要负责下面的几方面功能: 监听客户端请求。监听器运行在数据库服务器之上,与 Oracle 实例(可为多个)相关关联,是一个专门的进程 process,在 Windows 的服务项目或者 Linux 的运行进程列表中,都会看到对应的运行进程。Windows 上名为 TNSLSNR,Linux/Unix 平台上是 lsnrctl。监听器守候在服务器制定端口(默认为:1521),监听客户端的请求。 为客户端请求分配 Server Process。监听器只负责接听请求,之后将请求转接给 Oracle Server Process。在 Oracle 的服务模式下,客户端进程是不允许直接操作数据库实例和数据,而是通过一个服务进程 Server Process(也称为影子进程)作为代理。监听器接受到请求之后,就向操作系统(或者 Dispatcher 组件)要求 fork(或分配)一个 Server Process 与客户端相连。 注册实例服务。本质上讲,Listener 是建立实例和客户端进程之间联系的桥梁。Listener 与实例之间的联系,就是通过注册的过程来实现的。注册的过程就是实例告诉监听器,它的数据库数据库实例名称 instance_name 和服务名 service_names。监听器注册上这样的信息,对客户端请求根据监听注册信息,找到正确的服务实例名称。目前 Oracle 版本中,提供动态注册和静态注册两种方式。 错误转移 failover。failover 是 RAC 容错的一个重要方面功能,其功能是在数据库实例崩溃的时候,可以自动将请求转移到其他可用实例上的一种功能。可以提供很大程度上的可用性 (Availability...

getAuthentication() when error-page 404 is shown in the Spring.

in web.xml.   < error-page >        < error-code > 404 </ error-code >       < location > /WEB-INF/pages/errors/error404.jsp </ location >      </ error-page >  In error404.jsp, don't get user message by using SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(). Solution: <filter>          <filter-name>springSecurityFilterChain</filter-name>          <filter-class>org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy</filter-class>      </filter>      <filter-mapping>          <filter-name>springSecurityFilterChain</filter-name>          <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>          <...

JSON processors

1. Jackson is a High-performance JSON processor. References: http://jackson.codehaus.org/ http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonHome How to convert Java object to / from JSON http://www.mkyong.com/java/how-to-convert-java-object-to-from-json-jackson/ http://www.cowtowncoder.com/blog/archives/2008/12/entry_121.html 2.Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object. Gson can work with arbitrary Java objects including pre-existing objects that you do not have source-code of. References: http://code.google.com/p/google-gson/ 3.JSON-lib is a java library for transforming beans, maps, collections, java arrays and XML to JSON and back again to beans and DynaBeans. It is based on the work by Douglas Crockford in http://www.json.org/java References: http://json-lib.sourceforge.net/