connect to a database
see: Help! I can’t connect to my database see: Help! I can’t connect to my database (part duex) At Client machine: tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora TNS locates its configuration file (sqlnet.ora) and name resolution file (tnsnames.ora) are on a Windows client. This tnsnames.ora file must be found on the client machine. By default it will be found in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin. At Server machine/ on the server : listener.ora The listener is very simple. It runs on the server (not the client) and it’s job is to listen for connection requests and make the connection (server process) between the client and the database instance. Once that connection is made, the listener is out of the picture. If you were to kill the listener, all existing connections would continue. “localhost” or “127.0.01″ is a NONROUTABLE ip address. There are two parameters, GLOBAL_DBNAME and SID_NAME in listener.ora. The GLOBAL_DBNAME is Service name for ...