
目前显示的是 四月, 2013的博文


a website a friend recommended  http://www.tutorialspoint.com/index.htm

how well does your browser support HTML5?

http://html5test.com http://html5accessibility.com/ http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/html5.html

Using Java Class in Oracle Database

1. create and compile a Java Class in Oracle Database Create the MyTest class. MyTest has two public static methods.  -------------------------------------------- create or replace and compile java source named test as     public class MyTest{       public static void myProc(int a,int b,int[] ret){       ret[0]=a+b;     }     public static int myFunc(int a,int b){       return a+b;       }   } /   -------------------------------------------- 2. Create a procedure/function in Oracle database 2.1 Create a procedure ---------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE myProc(a in number, b in number, ret out number) AS     LANGUAGE java NAME 'MyTest.myProc(int,int,int[])';  / ----------------------------------------------- 2.2 Create a function ----------------...